Dragon Ball Fans
By Warszawah
Hi. First I would like to say your is really great.
I discovered it last week and to view it's entire contents
finishing with the section "Enlightened Ones."
I have just noticed there are a lot of uneducated whiney
Dragonball fans out there, particularly the one's bashing
the dubbed series and its fans. I say the dubbed series
is just as good as the subbed series. HFIL. Before you
think I'm a "dubbie," don't. I have read the
entire manga series (Thanks to Planet Namek :), I've
seen the entire subbed anime, and I even own the coffee
table books.
So why do I think the dubbed show is just as good?
LEVEL IMAGINABLE. Lets say for example a man murders
five men and another man murders six. Who's worse? Who
cares! It's the act of murder that's bad regardless
of how many people are killed. To say the dubbed series
is unwatchable compared to the subbs is like saying
X-Men vs. Street Fighter on the PlayStation is unplayable
compared to Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter on
said system. They are both shit translations of a great
game whose greatness can only be revealed in the arcade
or on the Saturn. So quit whining. Subbs, dubbs, compared
the manga they're both unwatchable.
P.S. I hate to whine at you but I feel it's a point
that has to be brought up. Really love your site, very
creative, very original.