are now connected to the Wired...
Experiments Lain, a thirteen-episode anime series, aired
in Japan from June to August of 1998. This anime created
waves within its genre, as it challenged traditional anime
conventions. Not being afraid to hold back and try new methods
of story telling, Lain is a tale about a junior high
school girl and her relationship with the Wired (which can
be thought of as the Internet). In the time in which this
story takes place (the time period is not made explicitly
clear, but it can be assumed that it is sometime during
the present or not too distant future), the boundaries between
the Wired and the "real world" as humanity knows
it appears to be dissipating. Lain herself is then forced
to discover if this change in the world is actually taking
place, and if "reality" as we know if is threatened
by the connection of those in the "real world,"
and the world of the Wired. Lain was intentionally
produced with computer technology in mind. In "Animerica"
Vol. 7, No. 9, producer Yasuyuki Ueda explained that "the
approach I took for this project was to communicate the
essence of the work by the total sum of many media products."
That said, it is possible to connect issues of Serial
Experiment Lain to subjects discussed in Literary and
Scientific Writings, AKA: Cyberlit.
by Meredith Cantoni
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